You can assign Hexadecimal colors, RGB colors, RGBA colors, HSL colors, HSLA colors and color names.
Hexadecimal colors in CSS
A hexadecimal color code starts with
a hash(#) and followed by 6 alpha numeric value. Like
#000000 stands for Black color and #FFFFFF stands for White
color. The First 2 letter stands for Red, next 2 for Green
and last 2 letter for Blue color. The range is from Zero (0)
to F. The Hexadecimal color values are
0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,A,B,C,D,E,F total 16 digits.
Click here to know more about Hexadecimal colors.
p { background-color:#CCCCCC; }
RGB colors in CSS
RGB stands for Red, Green and Blue. The HTML format for a RGB value is rgb (Value of RED, Value of GREEN, Value of BLUE). The value range are from 0 to 255. rgb(0,0,0) stand for Black color and rgb(255,255,255) stands for White color.
Click here to know more about RGB colors.
p { background-color:rgb(100,100,100); }
RGBA colors in CSS
In RGBA color A statds for alpha property of background color. The value starts form 0.0 and ends at 1.0. It works in all mejor browsers including IE9+.
p { background-color:rgba(0,0,255, 0.5); }
HSL Colors
HSL stands for hue, saturation and lightness. hue accept value from 0 to 360 where saturation and lightness accept 0 to 100%.
p { background-color:hsl(240,25%,50%); }
HSLA Colors
Same as RGBA, here A stands for alpha.
p { background-color:hsla(240,25%,50%,0.5); }
Colors Names
You can also used browser supported color names like red, green, blue, black, white etc.
p { background-color:'blue'; }