The table display the list of HTML Special Characters with Number and Name. Though in different character set the special characters looks like box or different shapes it is a best practices to use number or name in place of special characters.

Character Entity Number Entity Name
" " "
' ' '
& &
< &#60; &lt;
> &#62; &gt;
¡ &#161; &iexcl;
© &#169; &copy;
® &#174; &reg;
&trade; &#153;
«  &#171; &laquo;
»  &#187; &raquo;
°  &#176; &deg;
± &#177; &plusmn;
&#182; &para;
¼  &#188; &frac14;
½  &#189; &frac12;
¾  &#190; &frac34;
×  &#215; &times;
÷  &#247; &divide;
¢ &#162; &cent;
£ &#163; &pound;
¤  &#164; &curren;
¥  &#165; &yen;