This shipping calculator is developed in PHP and jQuery which calculate the shipping price from FedEx, UPS and USPS. The user has the option to choose the shipping options FedEx, USPS or UPS and the system will calculate the shipping price accordingly. This is very easy to integrate this calculator in any shopping cart to calculate the real-time shipping price.    

Shipping Price Calculator

Please visit the following links to know detail about FedEx, UPS and USPS shipping method.
Click here to visit FedEx Shipping Price Calculator.
Click here to visit UPS Shipping Price Calculator.
Click here to visit USPS Shipping Price Calculator.

Key Features

1. Calculate Shipping price without page refresh.
2. Option to choose shipping method.
3. Easy to integrate and configure.
4. Result display all available shipping options.

You need to change the following values in fedex-common.php file inside library folder.

function getProperty($var){
if($var == 'key') Return 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx '; 
if($var == 'password') Return 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; 

if($var == 'shipaccount') Return 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; 
if($var == 'billaccount') Return 'xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx'; 
if($var == 'dutyaccount') Return ''; 
if($var == 'freightaccount') Return ''; 
if($var == 'trackaccount') Return ''; 

if($var == 'meter') Return 'xxxxxxxxxxxxx'; 

You need to change the following values in ups-common.php file inside library folder..

$AccessLicenseNumber = '*******'; 
$UserId = '******'; 
$Password = '******'; 
$ShipperNumber = '********'; 

You need to change the user name in usps_calculate.php in the root folder.

$usps->setDestZip($tozip );
$usps->setWeight(10, 5);

Please fell free to contact us at for any further issue.

View Demo Buy Now $5.00

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